Since I did pretty well in Q1 and completed 3 projects, I am linking up again for the third quarter of the 2016 Finish-A-Long! The list just gets longer and longer...
Eagle Scout Quilt for Ryan: The back is close to being done!! The front is completed, with the embroidered parts all in place. Need to assemble the back and find a longarmer to send this to.
Eagle Scout Quilt for A.J.: All parts are done, I just want to send these off together to be quilted by the same person... who that is, I am not sure, but these are important keepsakes! I want to be confident that they will do an awesome job and make these even more special.
Improv and Denim: piecing stage
Pink and Purple Dresses Lap Quilt: ready to quilt
Farm theme Toddler Quilt: ready to quilt
Swartz Creek Scrap Quilt/William Morris: this is one I made progress on last quarter. I decided that it was not big enough to finish with the amount of completed blocks I had. So, I bit the bullet and made many more pinwheels and 4-patches to bring this up to a throw size. And, then I did not have enough fabric for the border I had intended, and so I had to search for a replacement. I need to make a final decision on a back, and then this will be off to the quilter. Phew. This one is years in the making... and I will be so glad to have it done.
Disappearing Hourglass/Recycled Shirts Quilt: piecing stage
Re-usable Holiday gift bags: many Christmas fabrics to use up! Christmas in July!
Cast Iron pan handle potholders from string scraps: I need to make three at least!
Baby boy bibs out of recycled shirts: I will make my own pattern, but
this is the kind of thing I am going for. Plenty of shirt fabrics to use

Good luck with your list and thank you for participating in the 2016FAL, on behalf of all the hosts!