I have also been working on getting myself organized for class. I signed up to take a class at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza which happens next Thursday - Sunday in Oaks, PA. Luckily this is a very short drive from my house, and I can come and go as I please during those four days. I find that shorter visits tend to allow me to take in more and get more out of what I see!
This wil be my very first EVER quilting class. I am more of a read about it and try it kind of gal. I like the researching ways to do things, watching on TV and I have always loved books, so that's how I started quilting too. I signed up to take Pepper Cory's full day class to make a scrap quilt based on the Swartz Creek Scrap Quilt from 1910. Here's what it looks like:
image taken from www.peppercory.com
What on earth was I thinking? I don't have enough scraps for this yet! So, the other option in the class list is to bring at least 16 FQs. Here is what I have pulled that I'm hoping will work - 8 FQs from Barbara Brackman's William Morris fabrics, and a bunch of other stuff that I think will blend. That's a Navy solid at the far right.
Hopefully this will work out! What do you think?
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