Friday, September 7, 2012

Getting ready for class!

There has been a lot of organizing going on in my house this week. The kids organizing themselves with their new school supplies, binder systems and folders. Labeling everything and doing their best to get the school year started with a system that they can manage to keep up with through the year. The obligatory first day photo:

I have also been working on getting myself organized for class. I signed up to take a class at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza which happens next Thursday - Sunday in Oaks, PA. Luckily this is a very short drive from my house, and I can come and go as I please during those four days. I find that shorter visits tend to allow me to take in more and get more out of what I see!

This wil be my very first EVER quilting class. I am more of a read about it and try it kind of gal. I like the researching ways to do things, watching on TV and I have always loved books, so that's how I started quilting too. I signed up to take Pepper Cory's full day class to make a scrap quilt based on the Swartz Creek Scrap Quilt from 1910. Here's what it looks like:
image taken from

What on earth was I thinking? I don't have enough scraps for this yet! So, the other option in the class list is to bring at least 16 FQs. Here is what I have pulled that I'm hoping will work - 8 FQs from Barbara Brackman's William Morris fabrics, and a bunch of other stuff that I think will blend. That's a Navy solid at the far right.

Hopefully this will work out! What do you think?

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